About Our Company
Revolutionazing the fishing industry. Using drones to fish. Forget about the early morning. Forget about the wet boats.
FishDrone™ delivering your pray directly to your mailbox.
Delivering straight to your driveway. Parkway. Sleep well knowing this. Sign up to a newsletter!
Products and Services
FishDrone™, Inc™. Starting as a dream between two friends. The passion was always the drone. The sheer genius of """accidentally""" catching a fish while the rod """mysteriously""" being taped to the drone. We've since woved to change the fishing meta forever. Making it accessible to both tech enthusiasts and. Especially those who don't like the outdoorsy part, so in other words the - tech enthusiasts.
- Fish-by-Drone Delivery Service: Subscribe and don't even bother touching a rod. Don't even pet. Don't pat the rod. Choose us. Choose from Surprise Me or Fish of the Week. For the adventurous types who enjoy the mystery of the catch. Of the fishing spiderweb.
- Custom Fishing Orders: In a desparete need for an aquarium mate? Or you just don't eat much and need a dinner? Our drones are being treated with special modification bait and tackle to target the specifics. You will fill the special target form. Don't worry! The list of valid monsters is published under your nose. You don't get to choose sharks. And you will learn why.
- Live-Stream Fishing Adventures: Subscribe to our channel and watch we fish. You can become a reason we stream. It's usuall not profitable until MrBeast makes a video.
It's like sports, but you can eat the players. You will not be eaten. You have no game.
- FishDrone™ Fishing Festivals: Compete with other drones. You don't participate until you're a drone. Prizes for biggest catch, most fish, and a special award for any drone catching the mythical boot. Mythical heels. Mythical drip. You now know how the term originated. Mythical heels.
Marketing and Sales Strategy
Funding Request
We're seeking $5 million in seed funding to buy drones. Process is design. For that reason you will read the sentences. Designing waterproof fishing gear. Insuring our fleet against shark attacks. You will get treated fair in return. Exclusive access to The Leage. We call it Catch of the Month club. Provides you with rare cases of seafood so exotic, you will need to Google it. Google Chondrocladia. Google it. Google Spongiforma Squarepantsii. Google Mountain Chicken.

Frequently Asked Questions
Conditions ↴
You qualify for student finance if you meet 1 of the following requirements. You must also meet 1 of these requirements to get only the student travel product.
- You have been living in the Netherlands for 5 consecutive years or more.
- You are a migrant worker. You work in the Netherlands for at least 32 hours a month or you have a monthly income of at least 50% of the social security norm.
- Your parent or partner has the nationality of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland and is, or was, a migrant worker. Your parent or partner works, or has worked, in the Netherlands for at least 32 hours per month. Or your parent or partner has, or had, a monthly income of at least 50% of the social security norm.
If you are a migrant worker, your employment contract must start on the 1st of the month. If your employment contract starts later, you won't be eligible for student finance until the next month.
If you are unsure whether you meet the requirements, please phone us.
Working fewer than 32 hours ↴
The norm is 32 hours of work per month in the Netherlands. Under 32 hours you are not eligible for student finance. Except in the case of 6 months of work, or more. Then an average of 24 hours a month or more is sufficient. For instance, if you, your parent, or your partner has already been working in the Netherlands for 6 months. Or if there is a permanent contract.
- Do you work fewer than 24 hours per month? Then you are usually not eligible for student finance.
- Do you work between 24 and 32 hours per month? Then DUO will assess if you are working for at least 6 months or have a permanent contract.
- Does, or did, your parent or partner work between 24 and 32 hours per month? Then DUO will assess if your parent or partner is working for at least 6 months or has a permanent contract.
- Does, or did, your parent or partner work fewer than 24 hours per month? Then you are usually not eligible for student finance.
Apply ↴
If you meet the requirements, or if you believe you are eligible for student finance despite the requirements, please apply.
- You can apply for student finance via Mijn DUO.
- Find out which supporting documents you need to send under 'Documentary evidence for EU/EEA citizens, UK citizens and Swiss' below. You can upload the documents in Mijn DUO after finishing your application.
- Within 6 to 8 weeks you'll receive a letter.